Navigating men’s challenges and demands

Finding work-life balance has been a challenge for many women in the workforce for decades. But men now face similar challenges – ones that are becoming more complex as men’s roles and expectations change within families, the workplace and society. Now there is a program – just for men – specifically designed to help them address and navigate changes.


Navigator is an inspiring group program that allows men to explore and share life’s experiences and challenges in a safe environment. It provides a positive way for organisations and men to work together, build bridges – and embrace gender and individual differences.

After four inspiring one-day workshops (spaced according to your organisation’s needs), participants will be able to:

  • Take more control over their life and work
  • Make decisions and better manage relationships
  • Form a more positive perspective about themselves
  • Develop new ways of seeing and responding to day-to-day challenges

Benefits to Navigator graduates

During and after the program, you will learn how to:

  • Form new perspectives and behaviours
  • Build your self-confidence, self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Understand how others perceive you and how you interact
  • Connect with other men, build networks and strengthen relationships
  • Understand links between your beliefs, expectations, perceptions, experiences and behaviours
  • Develop better communication, listening and relationship skills
  • Influence others and manage difficult situations and people
  • Discover work-life integration strategies and options

Who is it

This program is relevant to all male employees, whatever their age or level of responsibility.

Yes! We’re ready to empower and develop the men in our workforce for greater individual and organisational performance.